Sometimes , people come to our life and we know that there were meant to be there . They serve , teach a lesson and help to figure out who are we and who we want to become . We'll never know that who these people . Sometimes , the things will happen to us when we'r in horrible , painful , unfair but in reflection ? We'll realize that without those obstacles we'll never have realized out potential , strenght and power of heart . Everyhting happens for a reason . Nothing happens by chance or by means of good or bad luck . Illness , injury , love , lose moment or true greatness and sheer stupidity all occur to test us . Wihout these small test , life would be like a smooth paved , straight , flat road to nowhere . The people who we meet are the one who create who we are . And probably the most important ones is if someone hurts , betrays , breaks our heart , just forgive them . because they have helped we to learn about trust and of being cautious to whom you open your heart :)

Friday 7 October 2011


JUMAAT ( 07/10/2011)

* Kay as usual . Pegy sekola macem biase . Kul 0600 bangun siap-2 kul 0700 gerakk .
Around 0715 turun dari bas . Perasaan biase je . Takde rase tak sedap hati pon . Biase je -.-

* Selalu nakk jalan kaki sikit nak sampai sekolah tu mesty jumpe uncle canteen skola aq .
Pagi tadi terserempak jgk . Die nakk pegy pasar kot . ( maybe )

* Aku nampak sorang CHINESE BOY nih . Handsome la jgk . Tinggi . Kalau chinese girl tgk nih mesty suke . Age macem 18 19 je . Mude lagi ( cakap dalam hati )

* Kay aku buat bodo je ah . Aku tgk die macem tngu kawan die . Peduli ape kan aq taknak lambat datang sekolaa . aq jalan ah laju-2 .

* Tibe-2 die tolakk aq then tutup mulut aku . Macam nakk SAMUN aq pulakk . Die tolakk aq sampai terdduk . Time nie dah ah orang takdee . then die kuarkan WALLET aq . dah ambikk lepas tuh tak puas haty lagi . die korekk2 lagy aq punye poket . sial anjing punye jantan . die cakap handphone handphone ? aq cakap ah kepale otakk kau . lebeh2 pulakk . ( dalam hati je ar )

* Aq nakk lawan . nak jerit . tapi taktahu la kenape . aq takutt kalau melawan , die acu pisau kat aq . aq macem terdiam terkedu . taktahu and tak bole nak buat pape . Time tuh macem2 aq pk . KENE BUNUH . MATI . KIDNAPED . sume ah . risau sangat . Allah je yg tahu macem mane perasaan aq . 

* Dah dapat wallet bagai , ade hati nak lebeh2 pulakk . aish manusia ke binatang tuh ? aq tolakk ah die . tapi takut jgk . terpakse . maruah diri kan . Lepas tolakk aq jerit sekuat haty gila2 . Die larii . Ramai orang tnye kenape . Uncle canten skola aq tuh nak keja . Tapi tak bole , die lari laju gila . Makcik sapu sampah pon berenti buat keje . Aq cakap laa die ambik purse aq . Die try nak samun aq .  Aq bole menangis je time tuh . Aq takutt sangat tak dapat jumpe family aq lagi :') Time nak jalan kaki pegy skola tuh , aq suruh uncle tuh teman . hihi kesian die . tapi sumpah aq takutt sangat .

* Da masok kawasan sekolah , aq teros pegy kat pengawas suruh die bgtahu cikgu . Aq takk kuat time tuh . Aq rase macem nak pitam je . Then pengawas2 tuh papah aq pegy pejabat .

* Pn Chia tanye aq bagai , aq jawabb walaupun terkedu2 . tapi takpe , janji die faham . Die bagi aq duit rm10 . hihi thanks cikgu ;) Da la exam science . Cikgu suruh aq buat kat pejabat . Aq taknakk . Nak buat dekat kelas jgk .

* Time jawab exam . Aq takk focus langsung . Aq ingat muke die jee . Hmm . takutt sngt . Even da lepas , tapi still ingt lagi ape yg die buat kat aq . Kenape laa dalam ramai2 aq jgk yg kene ? Hm shit :'(

* Cikgu datang kelas aq , die cakap da siap jumpe die . Okayy . 

* Da siap ! pegy jumpe die . Ingtkan nak tnye bagai lagi , rupenye bawakk aq pegy balai . Hm aq taknak . Nak pegy ngn mama aq . Tapi takpe la , mama aq yg suruh cikgu buat repot skg .

* Pegy balai polis dang wangi . Aq buat repot . Da cite bagai kat polis . Cadang nakk buat scan body . Nak tahu sape ANJING tuh . tapi takpelaa , da lambat . Malas la . Hope tak jumpe LAHANAT tuh lagi .

* Sumpahh aq takut gila . Sampai skrang stil t'bayang2 lagi . Lepas nie takk boleh jalan sorang dah . Takutt :/

# Thankyou ALLAH . Alhamdulillah . Wallet I/C sume hilang takpee . Boleh ganti . Tapi nyawe boleh ganti takk ? tak kan . so be careful . Jangan jadi macem aq :') takecare tao .