Sometimes , people come to our life and we know that there were meant to be there . They serve , teach a lesson and help to figure out who are we and who we want to become . We'll never know that who these people . Sometimes , the things will happen to us when we'r in horrible , painful , unfair but in reflection ? We'll realize that without those obstacles we'll never have realized out potential , strenght and power of heart . Everyhting happens for a reason . Nothing happens by chance or by means of good or bad luck . Illness , injury , love , lose moment or true greatness and sheer stupidity all occur to test us . Wihout these small test , life would be like a smooth paved , straight , flat road to nowhere . The people who we meet are the one who create who we are . And probably the most important ones is if someone hurts , betrays , breaks our heart , just forgive them . because they have helped we to learn about trust and of being cautious to whom you open your heart :)

Saturday 8 October 2011

Takutt ://

* Sumpah aq takutt :/
Takut if terjumpe muke cine babi tuh lagi .
Ape aq nak buat kalau t'jumpe muke die lagi ?
Kalau aq wif membe-2 takpee . Tapi kalau aq sorang macem mane ? Lari ?

* Nakk ikutkan haty aq , kalau jumpe lagi nakk je aq sepak-2 die .
Haha macem berani je kann :) Pecaye laa . aq mesty jumpe ie balek punye .
Aq cam sangat la muke die . Die pon mesty Aim muke aq .
Polis cakap , owg macem nie sbnye da lame pehatikan aq . Mybe sbelum2 nie .
Aq jee tak perasan . Die dah tahu time aq sampai bagai . Hmm -,-

* Kualalalalumpur nie bukannye besa sangat pon . Budakk tuh pun mesty stay area pudu .
School da la area pudu . Haish takutt la . what should i do ? : /

* Balikk sch tak kesah sangat , ramai2 . Pegy school tuh susa sikit .
Pegy awal bahaye , gelap . Pegy lambat pon bahaye . Haish entah la .
Nak suruh mama hantar ? Menyusahkan jee pulak .

* I think from now on , nak suruh Capix Jokey hanta laa . Hihi .
Mama bayar duit minyak bulan-2 kay . Jadi driver i untuk pagi jee .
Ala untukk pagi je . Balik takk kisah pon .

* Hmm dah susah nak hang . Dulu aq berani je sorang-2 :/ Membe da la tak de dekat-2 .
Sume jauh-2 je . Sape nak teman aq klua nanti ? Hmm Disebabkan cine babi tuh laa !  
aq jadi penakot fobia macem nie . Dengan lelaki pon dah takot . Err . Sial -.-

* Once again ? Kalau nampak cine babi tuh for the second time , Macam mana ? -.-

# Nevermind . I Believe That Allah is always by my side :')