Sometimes , people come to our life and we know that there were meant to be there . They serve , teach a lesson and help to figure out who are we and who we want to become . We'll never know that who these people . Sometimes , the things will happen to us when we'r in horrible , painful , unfair but in reflection ? We'll realize that without those obstacles we'll never have realized out potential , strenght and power of heart . Everyhting happens for a reason . Nothing happens by chance or by means of good or bad luck . Illness , injury , love , lose moment or true greatness and sheer stupidity all occur to test us . Wihout these small test , life would be like a smooth paved , straight , flat road to nowhere . The people who we meet are the one who create who we are . And probably the most important ones is if someone hurts , betrays , breaks our heart , just forgive them . because they have helped we to learn about trust and of being cautious to whom you open your heart :)

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Kalau Dapat xD

Best kan kalau dapat lelaki satu package ? Maksud aku  
baik  hnsome  kaye  tak kedekut  ade pegangan agame boleh m'bimbing  
aq haih macem2 lah . if nak sebut satu-2 sampai esokk lah kan -.- 

* Jeles aku tengokk dalam tv tu doh . Lelaki die Arkitekk Bos pulakk tuh . Da la baikk . Tk kedekut . Sonokk je awek die takk penah kua 1 cen pon . Nakk ape kau cakap je laa die bagi . HAHA . bukan materealistik okay :) Just seronokk je kalau aku kat tempat perempuan dalam tv tuh . hihi xD . 

* Kay aku tahu nobody is perfect kan . Saje nak berangan tak boleh ? hihi . Mane la tahu tibe-2 LUCK  aku dapat yang macem tu kan JANGAN JELES  ! hihi berangan je aku ni ><

* I hope dapat yang baikk lah . Hidup sampai mati ni babe . Bukan kawin kontrakk pon ade date kene divorce kan ! Takk . tapi sehidup semati nie . Mati je yang boleh pisahkan aq dengan die . haha .

* Kay orang tnye , aku maalas la nak jawab . Tapi kat blog nie orang tak tanye , aku bgtahu jgk . Sape nak tahu je lah kan -.- Ex bf ? Takk . Tak bnyk . Aku tak hot macam kowng . Yelaa mane laku banyak jerawat . Takpe boleh hilang HAHA . kayy , paling sekejapp 1 months . Palingg lame 8 months .Aku bukan jenis couple 2 3 hari xD cehh haha gurauu .

* Kenape clash ? Ehh ade la --' kayy tapi aku tak penahh clash dengan care gadoh2 . Means curang ke , tipu ke ape ke . Takk kay . Tapi ade la sebab2 t'tentu . Nak tahu jugak sbb ape  Haishh . sebab takde jodohh la . hihi . 

* Boring ?  YES SOMETIMES . Chill lah babe . Kawan ade kan ? For me , kawan tuh ade kat mane2 jE . Nanti kalau kau dah clash , kau carik kawan jgk kan ? Kawan tuh penting dalam hidup . kawan tu PENTING dalam hidup !

* Yes I admit , takpenah kene tipu dgn lelaki . tak penah keluakan duit untk lelaki . Papa aku pesan
Sorryy if terase . That's what my papa told lah . Tapi betull jugak ? hihi . Buat ape nak kluar duit untuk lelaki . Membazir ! baik sedekah kat masjid .

# Kayy da banyak aku merepek . Okay girl .. Hope korang hati2 dengan lelaki kat luar sane kay ! Macem2 jenis ade . Penyangakk bagai sume belambakk . Takecare okayy KBAI --'