Sometimes , people come to our life and we know that there were meant to be there . They serve , teach a lesson and help to figure out who are we and who we want to become . We'll never know that who these people . Sometimes , the things will happen to us when we'r in horrible , painful , unfair but in reflection ? We'll realize that without those obstacles we'll never have realized out potential , strenght and power of heart . Everyhting happens for a reason . Nothing happens by chance or by means of good or bad luck . Illness , injury , love , lose moment or true greatness and sheer stupidity all occur to test us . Wihout these small test , life would be like a smooth paved , straight , flat road to nowhere . The people who we meet are the one who create who we are . And probably the most important ones is if someone hurts , betrays , breaks our heart , just forgive them . because they have helped we to learn about trust and of being cautious to whom you open your heart :)

Sunday 25 March 2012

Struggle . Okay ( Y )

Okay . Time 23/03/2012 result SPM keluar . Omg . Seriously takut gilaa :/ Memang la bukan saya yang amek . Hee . Tapi next year saya kan kan . Fuh -.- Okay dowang amek , saya bedeba . DUBDABDUBDAB . Hmm . Ada 14 orang yang dapat straight A'S . Saya tengok dowang amek , ada yang melompat , yang menjerit , yang menangis , yang relax . Haha . Saya terfikir pulak , macem mane agaknye saya tahun depan eh ? Saya takut :(

Saya nak berjaya macam orang lain . Boleh tak ? Erm , I know I weak . I couldn't afford to achieve A . But i will try . I will survive . I will struggle . At least I try . Betul tak ? Hmm . Saya eldest . So act saya kena jadi contoh pada adik-adik . Hmm . Saya nak mama papa bangga dengan saya :') InsyaAllah . Saya tak sanggup nak tengok dowang kecewa nanti :(

Saya malas nak taget berapa-berapa bagai . Saya nak cool nak relax . Malas nak kejar A sangat lah kan . Tapi apa yang saya tahu , saya tak nak gred D E G . I don't want . Kalau dapat D pun saya rasa yang diri saya gagal . Macem PMR . Err bagi saya , saya gagal dalam PMR . Walaupun lulus . Ya Allah , give me a strenght :')

Okay la . Yang penting usaha . Tak kira le berapa result , yang penting saya dah usaha and cuba yang terbaik . Am i right ? Btw ,  Not study hard but study smart . Remember that Riry . Study hard just messy your head nanti -.-

From now on , jangan malas-malas lagi tau Riry . Ade hw , terus buat . Jangan simpan buat belacan tau . Please ? For the sake of your future . Okay ? Erm . Menangguhkan kerja tu act menyusahkan tahu tak ! Nanti da belambak malas nak buat . Kan kan . Errr :| Setan , Pergi bla . Jangan selubungi hidup aku . Tolong lahh . Jangan kacau aku . Jangan hasut aku jadi malas ! Hahaha . M , GET OFF BULLSHIT !

Cita-cita saya act bukan lah macam korang . Yang nak jadi dokter , teacher , bagai-2 . Tidak . Absolutely not . Dulu masa kecil memang la nak jadi cikgu la ape la bagai . Hahaha kau pun same :P kan . Okay , cita-cita saya just nak jadi orang yang berjaya . Tak kira la dari segi apa . Saya nak tolong mama papa saya . Nak bagi dowang duit . Nak balas jasa dowang . Nak hidup senang . Tu jee dah cukup . hee :D Saya nak keje dalam air cond . Hihi . Nak pangkat tinggi-tinggi tau . Haha :D Kang keje panas-panas , semua serba tak kene . Nanti nak marah je !

Saya nak sambung belajar . Nak amek diploma . Kalau ade rezeki boleh la lebih lagi :) Saya nak high salary . Tak mau dah sikit-sikit . hEE bukan tamak . Tapi memang tu la cita-cita saya :) Dalam dunia nie semua dah berubah  . Semua perlukan duit . Kan ? Saya tahu saya tak pandai . Tapi saya ni harapan mama papa . So I wish all the best to you Riry . Hihi .

SPM is the most important for you to remember . No matter where you go , as long as you have no sat for SPM , as long as that you have to remember ! SPM will determine yor future . SPM' certificate that you will carry everywhere later . Remember that !

Okay . I want to be glorious . I want to be successful . I wish that I will cry overwhelmed one day  :') Wish me luck . Okay Good Luck Riry ! <3