Sometimes , people come to our life and we know that there were meant to be there . They serve , teach a lesson and help to figure out who are we and who we want to become . We'll never know that who these people . Sometimes , the things will happen to us when we'r in horrible , painful , unfair but in reflection ? We'll realize that without those obstacles we'll never have realized out potential , strenght and power of heart . Everyhting happens for a reason . Nothing happens by chance or by means of good or bad luck . Illness , injury , love , lose moment or true greatness and sheer stupidity all occur to test us . Wihout these small test , life would be like a smooth paved , straight , flat road to nowhere . The people who we meet are the one who create who we are . And probably the most important ones is if someone hurts , betrays , breaks our heart , just forgive them . because they have helped we to learn about trust and of being cautious to whom you open your heart :)

Thursday 10 November 2011


Hakkkkktuih . . Fakyou ! 

Tadi time balikk sch , aq balikk sorang2 jea . Yelaa noon tak takut sngt . Ramai kan budak balik sch . First aq nampak ade 2 orang lelaki .Taktahu la chinese ke ape . Muke macem bukan Warganegara pun ade .  Downg ade dalam van . Time uw dekat bwah blok jee . First ie pandang aq , Alaaa . . biase la kan . Pandang2 . Tak salahkan ? Hakhak .

Die cepat-2 turun bukak pintu turun dari Van uw . Die jalan laju jee macem ikut aq dari belakang .  Aq kan  ade experience sekali kene SAMUN kan ? So aq beware ah time uw . Aq takutt gileeee . Aq jalan laju2 . Jalan , pandang belakang , jalan pandang belakang . Yela die uw mencurigakan tahu tak ! Tak salah kan negative thinking time uw ? Aq pikir negative je !

Alahaii . . Time2 nie pulakk la takde owng . Damn shit ! Lagi dupdapdupdap ah aq kan . Dah sampai kat lif , dah la takde owng . Aq dah taktahu nak wt pe . Owng uw makin dekatt . Aq diam je . Then ie sampai . Ie bace2 advertisment yang ade owg tampal2 dekat Mailbox tuh sambil uw ie usha2 aq . Hakktuih tuih tuih ! Taktikk dah basi ! Macem aq taktahu pulak taktik owg nak SAMUN !Aq usha je ie sebab takut kalau pandang tempat lain nanti ie boley sergah aq kan ! At least kalau ie wat something aq boley la lari or whatever .  Menyampah sial tgk muke ie . Nampak sangat nak menyamun or kidnaped . Haktuih !

Alhamdulillah . . Around 10second cem tu lah , ade sowng budak kecik datang " Papaaa , lif dah sampai ! " Time uw ie terus larii masuk van . Kowng rase ape motif ie keja aq tadi ? Hmm :/

Pintu lif bukak nampak papa aq . Aq cite ah kat papa uw . Hm cite kat ie menyakitkan atie . Bole pulakk ie cakap aq perasan ? Jangan2 owg uw bukan nak keja aq , tapi nak pegy tempat lain ! Err menyirap je . aq tahu laa coz aq penah kene kan ! Act papa aq taktahuu yang aq kene haritu . Sebab aq taknak ie tahu , Nanti ie marah mama pulak ! Papa uw pelik sikit -.-

Ya Allah , cukuplah sekali je . Tak sanggup da :(