Sometimes , people come to our life and we know that there were meant to be there . They serve , teach a lesson and help to figure out who are we and who we want to become . We'll never know that who these people . Sometimes , the things will happen to us when we'r in horrible , painful , unfair but in reflection ? We'll realize that without those obstacles we'll never have realized out potential , strenght and power of heart . Everyhting happens for a reason . Nothing happens by chance or by means of good or bad luck . Illness , injury , love , lose moment or true greatness and sheer stupidity all occur to test us . Wihout these small test , life would be like a smooth paved , straight , flat road to nowhere . The people who we meet are the one who create who we are . And probably the most important ones is if someone hurts , betrays , breaks our heart , just forgive them . because they have helped we to learn about trust and of being cautious to whom you open your heart :)

Thursday 22 September 2011

Enough la Boy !


--> Capital K . known as Kerek ( bukan nama sebenar )

* budakk nie disturb my peace life you know . Firstly , ie cakap nak kenal ? okay fine . aq tak sombong . so kenal je lah -.- aq layan ie macem biase . macem kawan2 :)

* budakk nie agak skema bagai . Okay aq kesah ape kan ? kawan je la . tak kire la how bad his are . I dun't mind . Then , if dah tiap hari contact bagai , sape bole tahan kan . Yes kawan , tapi perlu ke tiap hari contact aq dgn bnde tak penting ? Takk perlu kot .

* Ie contact aq every second every minute every day . Haih agak-2 la bro . Mama aq pon takk contact aq macem kao contact aq kan ! kao tuh da m'ggu hidup aq . Rimas dooo . Even aq reject calling ie , ie sanggup call aq even 1oo kali pon ! why uh ? pelikk -.- bende bukan nak cakap ape . bende yg selalu ie cakap ?

just .. Kerek --> Heloo , ashreen . buat ape ? ( layan je , kadang2 kesian ! ) Riry --> tak buat ape . Kerek --> owh .. eh ashreen , tadi skola ? Riry --> sekolah ! Kerek --> owh .. hm dah makan ke ? Riry --> hm . da . Kerek --> owh . eh kau ade cedit tak ? Riry --> takde . ( padahal ade . aq tahu die ajak mesej ! ) Kerek --> oh . baru nak ajak kau mesej . Riry --> ermm . ( ie keep tnye-2 even aq takk lyan ie )

Okay laa , tuh la dialog Bosan gilababi tuh .  ie still layan aq even aq buat ie macem owg bodo sekaliponn . aq bukan sombong belagak bagai , just please la . takkan aq nak melayan ie tiap ari ? tolongg la . membe sch aq pon aq tak layan smpai macem tu kan ? haih -.- sometimes aq kesian jgk kat ie . hmm .

* ie pena ckp ie suke aq . suke ape ? mate aq . sebab ape ? mate bulat ? podahh ! then ape yg ie buat sume ie bgtao aq . PERLU KE ? ie pena gtao aq , ade budakk kem suke die ( dalam haty pegy lantaklah ) tapi ie ckp takk laayan . sbb ie tetap nak aq . siyes takk suke laki macem nie . tolongg la , hati bole pakse ke ? act , face ie bagai ape pon aq tatao . rimas la do . ie pena use DP as my PIC . aq mara kayy . aq maki ie , then BLOCK FB aq . dah use DP owg then BLOCK owg . memangg aku suke :) lame gile aq OFF handphone sebab ie call2 . aq tahu mesty ie mao say soryy . tapi hati tenga hot babe time tuh .

* Bape2 hari tuh , ie pujok aq . suwuh maafkan ie . euw geli shial . entah sape2 entah ie tuh . okay fine aq maafkan . bukan maafkan sbb ie pujuk aq kay ! TAK ! tapi sebab kesian -.- until now he's stil contact me and always asked for couple . errr please la get away from my life . if nak be my friend aq okayy je tapi if dah macem nie , tak kenal lagi bagos la !